Carta de amistad en inglés

Siendo estrictos más que una carta de amistad en inglés, lo siguiente es un poema de amistad en inglés, pero que sin duda te resultará útil.

My Bestest Friend

The distance between you and I
Is only a heartbeat away,
For you and I dwell in each other's heart -
There forever we will stay.

You know all my emotions,
Many they may be.
You know when to be gentle,
And when to chastise me.

Two gentle souls deeply connected,
Thoughts not spoken,
There is no need -
For the other knows what one is thinking
Even before they speak.

So with all the love I have
In my heart today,
I want to express to you
These feelings I want to stay.

That is why i think that friendship
is the best present that some one
can give you, and you and me
have the best friendship that we can
have in the whole world.

happy birth day, and a big big, hug, and thousands of kisses for you.

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